Friday 16 March 2018

How to spice up your bachelorette party

A bachelorette party can be always memorable. With so many factors enhancing the fun element in it, friends, food and games, it’s certain that you’ll have a great experience in your party. However, there are a few ways you can spice up the party :

Getting a few strippers and, have them dance on your lap. There’s nothing else more exciting and thrilling than having some guys dancing at the tunes and showing off their bodies in different ways. Both you and your guests will enjoy the sights. It’s a definite thing to do in a bachelorette’s party in any case. You can opt to go to a strip club with your friends too. It would be a completely different experience at home and at the club.

Penis shaped treats:
Such treats are not hard to find or make. You can choose to make some of such treats at home in the form of sweets of appetizers. On the other hand, the best thing to do would be to buy them from a store. This way, you won’t have to spend time in the kitchen. It’ll also save you time for other stuff.

Naughty games:
Play some naughty games with your friends to really enhance the fun of the party. There would obviously be some music there but with a few games, you would be able to increase the fun element significantly. You can play sex toy games or lingerie games for a unique experience.

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